Environmental Sustainability FAQs
帮助使环保证书更容易获得,并提高行业的焦点, 我们与会员一起设计了一套环境可持续性常见问题解答. 它们强调了企业如何减少碳排放,以及它们打算在未来实现什么目标. Explore responses now as well as how to get involved.
Sustainability glossary for digital advertising
重要的第一步是确保我们都理解关键术语,并在谈论可持续发展时使用相同的语言. From B Corp to green sheen, we’ve worked with members of our Sustainability Group to explain definitions and how they relate to digital advertising.
Educating the industry
We've pulled together a handy guide which lays out which training courses, 研讨会和资格证书可以让你掌握我们行业的环境可持续性
Keeping track of industry sustainability initiatives
在可持续发展领域发生了很多事情,很难知道如何参与其中. To help you navigate it, 我们制作了一个方便的网格来跟踪广告行业中所有不同的可持续性倡议, as well as their progress.
How we are getting our house in order at IAB UK
As a member of Ad Net Zero, IAB英国致力于帮助广告业到2030年实现净零排放. From how we’re using energy, to the products in our office, 我们已着手检讨内部运作,以确保内审局在环境上尽可能可持续.
了解我们在内部采取了哪些措施来减少我们的碳足迹——你可能会发现一些有用的建议,你的公司可以应用到自己的实践中. 我们知道这个过程不是有限的,我们将继续审查我们的运营,以确保我们在新的解决方案和战略出现时尽我们所能. Currently, key actions include:
Read full case study
Contribute to Showcase for Change
With growing momentum around business sustainability, 我们推出了“IAB变革展示”,以突出我们成员的努力并激励其他人. Got something to add? If you're an IAB UK member, 您可以提交一份杰出的内部实践案例研究或有助于推动彩乐园dsn行业更大可持续性的外部活动.
The IAB UK Sustainability Group
该小组的目的是帮助IAB英国成员了解他们如何才能最好地减少碳排放并履行他们在数字媒体供应链中的环境承诺. Members collaborate to produce best practice guidance, share the work they have done in this space, 了解相关举措,并努力在快速发展的生态系统中创建标准化. 该小组向所有IAB英国成员开放,并且非常适合在确定和影响公司气候战略方面发挥积极作用的团队成员.
Latest news
In an article for The Drum, 我们的会员分享他们从其他公司看到的最好的想法或倡议,以帮助应对气候变化.
Practical steps towards a greener digital ecosystem
In this piece by IAB UK Ad Tech Manager, Patrick Hann, 掌握围绕创意广告负载大小的挑战和考虑因素, focusing on small but impactful changes.
What needs to change to hit net zero?
IAB成员分享了他们正在采取的行动,以创造一个更环保的可持续发展的行业, 我们正将注意力转向需要做出更多改变的地方,以便我们的行业在2030年前实现零排放,这一目标距离我们只有7年的时间.
7 ways digital advertisers are helping the industry reach net zero by 2030
We asked IAB members to share one action&他们最引以为傲的是创造了一个更环保的可持续发展的产业, 强调企业和个人如何优先考虑应对气候变化的努力.
Key industry initiatives
IAB Tech Lab's Sustainability Playbook
Created by IAB Tech Lab’s Sustainability working group, “可持续发展手册”是一个指导和协助行业专业人士使广告更加环保的工具.
All For None: Ad Net Zero
广告净零是广告业减少发展中碳影响的动力, producing and running advertising to real net zero. 它提供了深刻的指导,以及五点行动计划作为这一过渡的框架.
IAB Tech Lab's Green Initiative
Launched in January 2023, Tech Lab的倡议旨在促进整个彩乐园dsn生态系统中碳排放的可见性和问责制,并为买家提供一种以编程方式执行其排放标准的手段.
After more on sustainability?
IAB英国会员库为我们的会员提供了一个彩乐园dsn行业面临的一系列挑战的新闻和意见的空间. For a deep dive into articles, research, podcasts and more around sustainability in digital advertising, pour through our members insights now.